Filmmaker and artist
My artistic practice explores the relationships between humans, machines, and non-human organic entities.
My work has been showcased globally at film and media art festivals, receiving recognition with awards from the Athens International Film + Video Festival (US) and the Alternative Film/Video Festival in Belgrade (RS).

Gloria Gammer (*Linz, Österreich) arbeitet als Filmemacherin und Künstlerin im Bereich Video und Performance. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Berlin (DE) und Linz (AT).
Studium der Filmregie in Barcelona, Spanien, an der Escola de Cinema i Audivisuals und am Centre d'Estudis Cinematografics de Catalunya bis 2009. Seminare an der Universität der Künste Berlin, der Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie, sowie der Filmuniversität Babelsberg zwischen 2015 und 2019, sowie berufsbegleitendes Studium der Philosophie an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Aktuell arbeitet sie zu Themen, die Technologie und Zukunft betreffen. Dazu untersucht sie das Verhältnis zwischen Mensch, Technologie und nicht-menschlichen organischen Anderen. Sie spielt mit Formen von Repräsentation und Mimesis, also Original, Kopie, Fälschung, Täuschung.
Ihre Arbeiten wurden international im auf Filmfestivals, Medienfestivals und in Kunsträumen gezeigt, darunter beim Ars Electronica Festival Linz (AT), 25fps Int. Experimental Film and Video Festival Zagreb (HR), File Festival Sao Paolo (BR), MOMus Thelssaloniki (GR) und am Athens Int. Film + Video Festival (US).
Gloria Gammer (*Linz, Austria) works as a filmmaker and artist in the field of video and performance. She lives and works in Berlin (DE) and Linz (AT).
Studied film directing in Barcelona, Spain, at the Escola de Cinema i Audivisuals and the Centre d'Estudis Cinematografics de Catalunya until 2009. Seminars at the Berlin University of the Arts, the German Film and Television Academy, and the Babelsberg Film University between 2015 and 2019, as well as part-time studies in philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Currently, she works on topics related to technology and the future. She examines the relationship between humans, technology and non-human organic others. She plays with forms of representation and mimesis, i.e. original, copy, forgery, deception.
Her work has been shown internationally at film festivals, media art festivals and art spaces, including Ars Electronica Festival Linz (AT), 25fps Int. Experimental Film and Video Festival Zagreb (HR), File Festival Sao Paolo (BR), MOMus Thessaloniki (GR) and Athens Int. Film + Video Festival (US).
Recent awards and activities
2024 Panel speaker at B3 Festival for the Moving Image Frankfurt (DE)
2024 Prize for the best music video at Crossing Europe Film Festival for "Don't Worry" by Franz Pop Collective
2024 Jury member for Züricher Filmstiftung's Fast Track
2023 Panel speaker at Kurzfilmtage Winterthur "Rage against the machine - AI and Film"
2022 1st Prize Experimental Film at Athens Int. Film + Video Fest, US
2022 Sonja Savic Award for a female filmmaker who has a subversive and/or radical approach to reality. Also mentioned in the List of Significant Achievements at Alternative Film and Video Fest Belgrade, RS
2022 Honorary Mention at screenwriting contest IF SHE CAN SEE IT, SHE CAN BE IT, a screenwriting contest for female* characters beyond the clichés, in the 2nd round and prize winner of the 1st round